1 Introduction
This manual documents version 2.0.0 of Nero2d, a
two-and-a-half-dimensional (2.5D), full-wave, scalable parallel electromagnetic solver for scattering at extremely large dielectric and perfectly conducting objects. Its features include,
- A portable graphical user interface (GUI) called wxGBTool to specify
geometry, illumination and required output.
- Support for TM/TE illumination: plane waves, gaussian bundles and
line sources.
- Support for any number of two dimensional dielectric and/or
perfectly conducting objects (PEC) of arbitrary shape. These objects
can be embedded into other dielectric objects, even recursively. A
dielectric object is required to be homogeneous and characterized by
its complex permittivity and permeability.
- As output, Nero2d can calculate the electric and magnetic field
components in a given point, in specified points along a line or a
circle, or in a rectangle of points which can be used to create
bitmaps. Nero2d can also write the Method of Moments system
matrices and right hand side and/or solution vectors.
- Nero2d uses a very powerful Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm
(MLFMA) together with an iterative solver to calculate the
solution iteratively. The MLFMA allows for a memory and time
complexity of O(N log N).
- To allow for the simulation of very large structures, Nero2d
can make use of an asynchronous, scalable parallel MLFMA with MPI
communication. It can easily simulate problems of several hundreds of
thousands of wavelengths in diameter, accounting for millions of unknowns,
provided that a sufficiently large parallel machine is used.
We assume herein that you are familiar with electromagnetic scattering
theory and that you have a basic knowledge of the Method of Moments
and the MLFMA. Please note that our software which might still contain bugs. Also
note that we do not take any responsibility for the correctness of our
results and that we cannot held responsible for any damage our
software might inflict on your system. Rest assured however, that we
would be surprised that this would ever happen.
The Nero2d software project started in 2003 as a Master Thesis by Ignace
Bogaert and Jurgen De Zaeytijd. As from 2004, this work was continued by
Jan Fostier, while working towards his Master Thesis and Ph.D.