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4.5 Output files

As indicated in the tutorial of wxGBTool, Nero2d can generate two types of output: either the field components along a line, circle or a grid, or the bistatic radar cross section (RCS).

The first type generates a file which contains 12 columns of numbers, i.e. the complex Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy and Hz values. The real and imaginary parts are placed in consecutive columns, separated by a tab.

The values for the incident fields and scattered fields are written seperately. The incident fields' filename contains `_in' in their filename, while the scattered fields' filename contains `_sc' in their filename.

The radar cross section output yields a single column real values.

The bistatic radar cross section (RCS) can also be calculated. For the output file to contain meaningful results, it is required that the incident field be a single plane wave in the positive x-direction (the default setting for plane wave). The output file contains a set of double precision values along equidistant angles (compare to electrical field along a circle). The output file is rcsXX.rdf (radar cross section data file).

These files can be imported into your favorite tool, e.g. Matlab.