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4 Tutorial

Our software consists of two components: the Nero2d program, which is the actual solver that is controlled from command line, and wxGBTool, which is a graphical user interface (GUI) to construct a scattering geometry of choice.

We do not distribute any pre-compiled binaries of the Nero2d program. This is because Nero2d makes extensive use of other, widely accepted high performance libraries.

For the wxGBTool, pre-compiled binaries can be downloaded at our site As no actual calculations are performed inside the wxGBTool, its performance is non-critical.

Once a certain scene is created with the wxGBTool, it can be saved to hard disc. This produces two files: a *.gbt (geometry building tool) file, and a corresponding *.igf (input geometry file). The *.gbt file is for future editing with the wxGBTool program. In other words, the *.gbt file is the save/load file for the wxGBTool. Every time you save a scene to a *.gbt a corresponding (that is, with the same base filename) *.igf file is created. This *.igf file stores the same information as its *.gbt counterpart, however in a slightly different format. The *.igf serves as an input file to the Nero2d solver. After the Nero2d solver has processed the *.igf file, one or more output files are created which can be further processed with a tool of your choice.

WARNING: The .igf files from previous releases are NOT compatible with the current version of Nero2d. However, you can easily convert them by opening an old .gbt file in the current version of the wxGBTool and saving it again, which will produce an up to date .igf file.