4.2.3 The output panel
When the `add' button in the output section is pressed, the
following pop-up screen appears.
There are four types of outputs supported: the longitudinal electrical
field component along a line, a circle, a grid or the bistatic radar
cross section (RCS).
- Line output
- Point1: starting point of the line
x ; y
- Point2: end point of the line
x ; y
- Number of points: The number of output points along this
line, equidistant from each other.
- Circle output
- Centre: centre of the circle
x ; y
- Radius: radius of the circle.
- Number of points: Number of equidistant points on the
circle. The first point is on the right most side of the
circle. The circle is traversed in a counter clockwise fashion.
- Bitmap output
- Lower left point: Lower left point of the bitmap
x ; y
- Upper right point: Upper right point of the bitmap
x ; y
- Resolution X: The number of equidistant points along the
x-direction. Note that the number of equidistant points along
the y-direction is automatically calculated, taken the aspect
ratio into account.
- Number of points: Number of equidistant angles in which
the bistatic RCS.
The RCS output file will only contain meaningful results if a
single plane wave with default settings is selected as a excitation.
Note that when a certain scene is opened, and a bitmap is selected in
the output combobox, it is possible to create a *.bmp file using the
`Create BMP' button. This will invoke a dialog screen that is discussed
in the next section.